From this prayer "Is this all you have for my life Lord ?" Two weeks later I was contacted by Canon Andrew White the very famous Vicar of Baghdad, who some years previous had ended the Hostage situation in Bethlehem.
Wondering what he was going to say, he was asked by God to ask me to host Chief Judge Raouf and his family in the Spires Hospital. Judge Raouf sentenced Saddam Hussein to death(President of Iraq) because he'd sent chemical weapons to Halabja killing the whole community, including Chief Judge Raoufs family..
I did host the Judge and his family and we became such good friends that I was invited to go to Erbil for 6 weeks and escort Mrs Raouf home as she had had an operation like Mr Raouf. From there God took me to St Georges for 3 weeks to help the Vicar of Baghdad clean the clinic and help with the new guest wing.. Whilst in Baghdad I got to sit in Saddam's throne and visited the Deputy Ambassador of Australia, visited St Theresa's orphanage, met the son of a Shiite leader in Baghdad who had become a Christian and had to keep his identity secret as he would have been murdered. On my way back to Erbil I got off at the wrong airport and found myself praying over the land in Halabja .
The problem is that Nobody believes me ! Why today I had a zoom chat with Canon Andrew to let you know that its true!. God is the God of the impossible and takes you to places, do things and meet people you never thought you would not in a million years. Had I been kidnapped it would have been a major International Incident but God protected myself and Andrew. I am so thankful for this experience and please read what Happened in my book" Don't Take Care, Take Risks. It's a good read, raising up faith and hope that God will take you on an amazing adventure like he did me and know we serve a living God.
Lastly be careful what you pray for because the Lord answers them more than you'll ever know.
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